Monday, August 26, 2013

A New Way to Bake a Potato

Michael sent me an article that descirbed cooking potatoes this way to kind of get a hybrid between a chip or fry and a baked potato.  You simply sliced the potato 2/3 of the way down, drizzle a little oil on it and a little salt on top and bake it.  The recipe said to bake 50 minutes, but I thought they could've stayed in longer, so I would try an hour-I'm sure it varies based on the size. 

Just something a little different. 

1 comment:

  1. I made these last week! I melted butter and poured that on top and added Italian seasoning before baking. Then, I added cheese with about 10 minutes left. They were a hit....although your slicing is way more precise than mine. Let's just say I had a few halved potatoes ;)
