Monday, June 27, 2011

Sweets from Japan

In the Kanzai region of Japan, they LOVE green tea! Almost all of the desserts are green tea flavored. I ordered this monster one night for Michael and I to split at a dessert place in Kyoto. It is green tea and sweet milk shave ice. It is served in a very Hawaiian style with azuki beans. They are a beans that they add sugar to when they cook. This makes me think of my dad because he loves shaved ice in Hawaii and always gets the beans on it too!

I thought these were so beautiful. These are pies with fruit cut so delicately that it looks like petals. They were too pretty to not photograph, even though we never ate any.

Again with the green tea. On our first day in Kyoto, we got these green tea (the green side) and sweet potato (the purple side) ice cream cones. I am could take or leave the green tea, but I loved the sweet potato ice cream. It sounds strange, but it tasted exactly like sweet potato and it was so good!

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