Monday, August 30, 2010

Personal Pizzas

I have struggled with making new recipes since school started. It seems like there has been no time, but I am trying to get better. Tonight we had personal pizzas on Toufayan pita bread as the crust. I made Michael a BBQ chicken one. I grilled the chicken with BBQ sauce, sautéed red onions, put a thin layer of BBQ sauce on as the pizza sauce, and topped with Italian cheese.

For mine, I put olive oil and a little dried basil on the crust in lieu of sauce. I grilled chicken with a Greek rub on it. I added artichoke hearts, sun dried tomatoes, sautéed red onions, green bell peppers, and feat cheese. These were good and very filling. Michael had a salad with his, but the pizza was plenty food for a meal for me.

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